In order to ensure our customers the best products and service quality, the management of the ELIMNATURAL for quality management system based on the standard ISO 9001:2008 and ISO14001:2004 as well as HACCP. We are striving for continuous improvement of the quality of the hops from the fields to the buyer. So hop producers track already in the technological process from its start growth over the hops in our warehouse (advice, supply of reproductive material, machinery and equipment). To maintain the quality of the hops and solve the requirements of the customers:

  • We continually improve the technological process of recovery.
  • We store hop products in cold store and thereby preserve the value of alpha acids.
  • We use the best quality packing materials
  • We continually train employees caring for the coordination of all the technology and working methods of technical, production and organizational documents.
  • We continually improve the efficiency of our quality management system.

The principles of the HACCP system are part of our quality management and at the same time our primary responsibility. HACCP is provided in all the necessary resources to enable the production of safe food. The company has also produced and introduced internal control on the basis of HACCP to identify, evaluate and manage risk factors associated with food safety and with accompanying programs, with which we have set the hygiene and technical requirements.

Control based on the HACCP system is made since the adoption of hops, processing, storage, to the production of hop products (pellets type 90 and leaf hops in RB bags). The procedures for involving all legal requirements, customer requirements and take into account all factors arising from our production facilities, equipment, training employees, ... The company ELIMNATURAL is constantly striving to improve our quality management system, quality of products and services,...